IAS Student Grant for ICHNIA 2024

The IAS will offer a maximum of 2.000 Euro for travel grants for IAS student members to attend the ICHNIA 2024.

IAS Travel grants are intended to be a contribution to the expenses of the student (travel, housing, registration), but not a full reimbursement of all expenses. For international meetings, individual grants usually are in the order of 100-500 Euro, depending on distance traveled, and on the number of applications received.

The application should be made through the IAS website https://www.sedimentologists.org/me/travel-grant until December 15, 2023The application procedure is simple and requires submitting a short letter of motivation, together with some specific details about location and travel distance, affiliation, etc. Application guidelines are available at https://www.sedimentologists.org/docs/travel_grant_guidelines.pdf. Please ensure that application forms are completed fully and uploaded to the correct meeting.

The final decision about travel grants, including the amount, is taken by the IAS Board. The grants will consider only students that had their abstracts accepted by the ICHNIA 2024 Scientific Committee. The deadline for abstract submission for students that will apply for IAS grants is December 15, 2023. As the window between abstract submission and grant application deadlines is short, we strongly recommend:

a. that you submit your abstract as soon as possible - abstract submission is open already!

b. that you read the IAS travel grant guidelines carefully and have your application ready to submit it as soon as you receive the confirmation of abstract acceptance.

For additional information, send a message to ichnia2024@gmail.com